Saturday, May 16, 2015

Libby and Charlie: Kittens!

Libby and Charlie
For Second Life Toddleedoo Kids
May 17th 2015, 05:48

One of my favorite animals besides sloths... are KITTIES! Pretty much any chance I get I pile them all on me. At this round of Dream Kids Event You will find these very adorable shoulder kitties made by the very amazing {Sugar Blossom} . Or if you are like me you will pretty much pile them wherever they will fit. I decided to take my new kitties to my new playhouse from Nach. You can find this very cute playhouse down at the {Le Petit Faire} Happening now!! Don't forget about my Kitty outfit! Also available at the {Le Petit Faire} from Cakepop!

After playing with my new kitties I invite Charlie to come try out my super awesome Playhouse. And boy is this thing packed full of fun! From dances, bored games, coloring and hanging out! You definitely cannot go wrong!

if You havent been down to the {Le Petit Faire} yet I highly suggest you check it out! Along with this new round of Dream Kids Event

What Libby is Wearing: 
[Cakepop] Backyard Dress - Grey ~ From Le Petit Fair
Hair ~ Magika [01] Reading

What Charlie is wearing:
[Cakepop] Backyard Pullover & Skinny Jeans - From Le Petit Fair
.Flutter. ~ Black Slip On Shoes - From The 'Bat Boy' Outfit

And with this I leave you with some very adorable kitties doing insainly cute thing

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