Friday, May 8, 2015

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ Celebrate ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ Celebrate ♥
May 8th 2015, 16:05

I have a few things to celebrate.. first of all, I realised that a couple of posts back on my "Cool Cat" post it was my 500th blog post. Yay! I can't believe I've done that many.. I know I've been blogging for a couple of years now, but still that's pretty crazy. 

Another thing I want to celebrate is this fantastic figure I've snagged a screen shot of, which you can find at the very end of this post. It doesn't track my own views.. so that is purely you readers! A massive thank you from the bottom of my heart! ♥

Next thing I'm celebrating is my birthday.. I know, I had it already.. but tonight I'm going to be having a belated birthday evening with my real life fella. It was totally his idea. I made a cake for it, even though I'm having problems seeing anything right now - since the arm of my glasses snapped off this morning! I've been going around with my head tilted to the side to keep them on and then keep having to put them back on when they fall off.. which is a lot as I keep forgetting. Without them navigating anything is pretty much not going to happen. I'm pretty hopeless without them. I tried to walk down my hallway without them on and I felt really disorientated, it was weird not being able to see properly! But yeah, mini party tonight.. as he was working away on my actual birthday.

Now onto what hopefully brought you here.. this marvellous outfit! Yes, I said marvellous. No, I haven't completely lost it.. well, maybe. Anyways, my outfit is from the fantastic ToddleTeeZ and it's not a gatcha one! Yay! It's a cute little romper called "Mary Jumpers {Pink}" and it's available at this current round of La Boutique. There's also blue, purple and teal up for grabs if pink doesn't float your boat. I'm absolutely loving the adorable raised front with the ladybug perched on it.. such a super cute touch! Ooh and it fits both baby and kid ToddleeDoo's. Not only is there that, but there's even more goodies from ToddleTeeZ available at La Boutique! The matching necklace and earring set is called "Ladybug Necklace & Earring Set" and I say it's matching because of the ladybug on the front of the romper.. so they make a nice pairing! And if that still wasn't enough for you.. this epic ring pop called "Cuddle Bug - Glam Ring Pop" is also at La Boutique from ToddleTeeZ. Phew, that was a lot of fab stuff!

At Hello Beautiful right now too are these amazing birthstone bracelets from.. dun dun dun.. ToddleTeeZ! Are you noticing a theme for this post yet? Anyways.. what makes them so awesome? Well.. they have animated sparkles and everyone loves a bit of bling, don't they? No, not the scary old SL bling! The scary old SL bling should be deleted from everybody's inventory in my opinion! It's offensive to my eyes.. 

I've blogged these knee tattoos before, but I wanted to wear them again. I love the multicoloured one from Tic Tot Toe which is available at Hello Beautiful right now.

For more details of my outfit, please see the credits after the pics. If you want to see larger images then please click the pictures, or go over to my flickr account. 

Happy shopping everyone! ♥

Outfit: Mary Jumpers {Pink} from ToddleTeeZ by Z 
(La Boutique - May 2015)
Shoes: Obei Sneakers [Polka Pink] from Half Deer
Hair: Vanellope - Blondes from ploom
Sunglasses: Heartglasses 5 from Tikkels
Necklace & Earrings: Ladybug Necklace & Earring Set from ToddleTeeZ by Z 
(La Boutique - May 2015)
Bracelet: Birthstone Heart Bracelet April from ToddleTeeZ 
(Hello Beautiful - May 2015)
Ring: Cuddle Bug - Glam Ring Pop from ToddleTeeZ by Z 
(La Boutique - May 2015)
Ring: Ice Cream Scoop Ring - Strawberry from tsg
Knee tattoos: Multicolor Band Aids from Tic Tot Toe 
(Hello Beautiful - May 2015)
Anklet: Charm Anklet Pink from ToddleTeeZ (Sidewalk Gatcha - May 2015)
Skin: No longer available - was from Bad Seed Boutique
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: Rainbow Glitter Stripe Nails from Awwdorable 
(Hello Beautiful - May 2015)
Pose: Cheerful - Cheerful 5 (m) from .click.

Special thanks to ToddleTeeZ

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