Evil SL Fashion Brat |
Jacee's Toddleedoo/Tweeneedoo Life |
Day in Space May 26th 2015, 00:37 So today I went into space and got to hang out at the apace station! There was a lot of people there. They grew plants and most of them did funny things on computers and they floated around in some places! That was the most fun!! ON JACEE ~~~~~~~ EH Baby has for sure brought creativity to the table in this round of Dream Kids Universe with their exclusive Payload Commander! I put this on and was like woah! Fly around and the jet pack emits particles that makes it seem soo real! This has got to be a must at Dream Kids, run down there and then go for your own space day before June 7th!! (Helmet, jet pack, boots, gloves and outfit!!) **The regulars from me** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head – KiKiKi – Cute Bytes Body – Baby Girl – Cute Bytes Skin – Pretty Pixie in Tan – Bad Seed eyes – Promise eyes in Passion – Ikon POSE ~~~~ *BABY* isabel pose 2 PLACE ~~~~ I found this actual space station and thought it was worth mentioning! It is open to the public and they have a lot to explore! I seriously didn’t make it through everything, so I will be back to check it out some more. It really looks like a massive space station! Go check it out HERE!! |
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