Thursday, May 14, 2015

Evil Fashion Brat: My House!

Evil Fashion Brat
Jacee's World
My House!
May 14th 2015, 07:29

My House

May 15th is sooooo close can you feel it?! The excitement for all these amazing items at Le Petit Faire! Even the pictures on the facebook site!! All this stuff is soo ahh mahh zing!

Her is a bunch of goodies but I will start with my outfit!!

Coming on MAY 15TH to the Le Petit Faire…. Kawaii Top Gatcha from That’s So {Kyoot}!!! There are winky faces and smiley faces even kissy faces and cat faces!! Each and every one adorable! I am wearing the Kissy Face in Pink!! Comes in Baby and Kid Sizes!

Knit Polka Dot Leggings in the Natural Pack come from Little Closet!. This pack came with Ash, Coal, Cocoa, Cream, and Ivory!!

Yes, these are my Cakepop addiction! The Studded High Top Sneakers!! They just have so many colors and they are sooo pretty on my feet! haha!

My hair is from Spellbound!! It is called Toothbrush and comes with or without the bow.. This is in the sky up from the store, so take the tp to the older hairs when you get there!

**And here are the regulars from me**
Head – KiKiKi – Cute Bytes
Body – Baby Girl – Cute Bytes
Skin – Pretty Pixie in Tan – Bad Seed
eyes – Promise eyes in Passion – Ikon

Lets start with the biggest item here! The playhouse from Nach! It has the curtains on there already with the potted plants on the stairs. Absolutely love this and am going to leave it on our home land to play in!! ALSO AT LE PETIT FAIRE MAY 15TH!!!

The Chalkboard sign  and both Lemonade Urns come from Loco.Motion! Which will also be gracing us at Le Petit Faire!! The sign already came with the lights at the bottom of the chalkboard!

Last but not least, is the BAMSE Unicorn Couch!! There will be 8 possible couches and only 1 of them is RARE which is the Pure leather! At Le Petit Faire!


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