Thursday, May 14, 2015

Evil Fashion Brat: A Bit Confused!

Evil Fashion Brat
Jacee's World
A Bit Confused!
May 15th 2015, 05:55

A bit Confused

DREAM KIDS EVENT! So many designers have put some real thought into so many unique and brillant designs! I am loving this event! The all really thought about what they were doing and came up with some great things!OPENNNNSSSS MAY 15th!!! AHHH

This is a really cute and thought out outfit from Monkey Pox!! This Falling Stars jumper comes in both Kid and baby sizes and includes the necklace, glasses, flip flops, and my favorite part of this outfit!! the seeing stars makes me dizzy emitter. That thing swirls stars around your head with little sparklies coming up from it! It was a serious knock to the head!! Btw did i mention exclusive?! HAHA

The hair is Boomer from ploom, and has color change bows, from polka dot to plain you have all the options even to take them off!!
**And here are the regulars from me**
Head – KiKiKi – Cute Bytes
Body – Baby Girl – Cute Bytes
Skin – Pretty Pixie in Tan – Bad Seed
eyes – Promise eyes in Passion – Ikon

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