Friday, May 15, 2015

Evil Fashion Brat: Attack the Snacks!!

Evil Fashion Brat
Jacee's World
Attack the Snacks!!
May 16th 2015, 06:49

Attack Snacks

Are you hungry? Want some donuts, corndog, or something off the grill?! This is the perfect set for you to go outside with the family and have a grill day, or charge your family for lollipops!! haha
Snack Attack Gacha by Cakepop at Little Men’s Department has sooo much stiff in it and is soo cute! This pack has 4 different stools, flags for the RARE snack cart, 3 trays and grill food to add to the snack cart along with a RARE cash register. and that isnt all. There are food plates and balloons and ice cream. Im running out of breath trying to name it all! Come check it out at LMD today!!

I am wearing Backyard dress from Cakepop in the Heart Felt option. These are at Le Petit Faire and are very very cute!! They come in a few different colors and your brother can match you!!. I will tell you what he is wearing down below.

I am holding the wearable lolli in mint from Cakepop that also is in the Snack Attack Gacha at LMD!!

My hair is Vida from TRUTH!

Shoes are Little Mosters color changing thang sandals.
**And here are the regulars from me**
Head – KiKiKi – Cute Bytes
Body – Baby Girl – Cute Bytes
Skin – Pretty Pixie in Tan – Bad Seed
eyes – Promise eyes in Passion – Ikon
SnackattackOn KEVIN
This is the Backyard Pullover in rich red from Cakepop and the Backyard Skinny Jeans in worn denim. These are at Le Petit Faire with the dresses that Jacee was wearing!

Hat is from Electric Feel and is the Bonnet Black. Resized to  fit head.

Shoes are Flite Lowtop Ducks in black from Fameshed.

**Here is the run down of Kevin’s basics!**
The hair is the shaved base from the Michiko hair by Besom. This is a tint me base so you can get it to match your needs.

The skin is from Pink Fuel and is called Harley – Hazel pack lt brow.

Shape is from DroolsKingdom. Jadyn Shape

He is also wearing the baby GIRL body from Cute Bytes! Yes I said girl.

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