Thursday, April 30, 2015

LilAngelicDeviants: ❤ All About That Cake ❤

❤ All About That Cake ❤
May 1st 2015, 00:31

I Had a Sugary Good Time
Making Cupcakes Today .
And Looked All Super Chef Like
With This New Outfit From
Kjlm Kids Pastries Outfit
Exclusive To This Months
Round of ATLT .
The Outfits Come In
Blue, Green , Yellow
As Well As Candies,
pastries, Fast Food,
Bacon / Eggs ,
Each Outfit Comes with
Jackets, Pants, Shoes,
Oven Mits, Toque Hat
And 2 Fun Poses
Inside Of The pastries Chef Outfit.
Hope noone Wanted That Top Cupcake
Because I Couldn't Help Myself
And licked It Just a Little bit
But I Put It Back Just in Time
Before I Had an Oopsy & Spilled a Few

                       ❤ Style Notes ❤ 
Hair: Ploom { I Can See your Halo Pastels } Ploom❤
Skin: Pf  { Harley - Vanilla ft pk } Pink Fuel❤
Eyes: Tuli  { Jade Eyes - Lavender } Tuli❤
Tongue: Little Nerds { Little Tongue Mouthies } Little nerds❤
Outfit: Kjlm kids { Master Pastries Chef } ATLT❤
Pose 1: Kjlm Kids { Master pasties chef cupcake tray} ATLT❤
Pose 2: Kjlm Kids { Master Pastries chef Spilled Cupcakes }ATLT❤
                      ❤ Special Thanks
                                                                   Kjlm Kids & ATLT 
                                                                      ❤ Sponcers ❤ 


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