Thursday, April 30, 2015

*Kidz*Worldz*: Mud Pies?

Blog for the Secondlife Kidz community.
Mud Pies?
Apr 30th 2015, 17:52

As a creator myself I value the events that I put my creations into. And as an Event cordinator I put myself to certain standards for my event. When I first read the application for the tooth fairy event I was emediatly turned off cause well i dunno I feel like Tooth Fairy seems for girls... I think there needs to be a boy verison of the Tooth Fairy. Like maybe... Shark Fairy or Dino Fairy... okay okay okay I am going off topic. Point is the Tooth Fairy Event turned out to be a huge bust. BUT I a proud to say that ALL those amazing creators stood up for themselves and Created the Mud Pie Event.

I enjoyed visiting the event and all the creators in that Event did amazing job. 
Run n see for yourself!

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