Liza's Big Adventures |
Fashion Show! Mar 9th 2015, 13:33 So I decided to have a little fashion show with a bunch of Kaysha's Closets older items and it was so much fun! The hair I'm wearing in all of these pictures is a special one made by Catwa Elsa hair especially made for TDs! So without further ado, the Kaysha's Closet fashion show! I put he pictures in order alphabetically by outfit to help me make sure that I had everything perfect! Each outfit comes with the shoes and anything else I might be wearing in each picture except my hair! 1st Pic: Ane Outfit 2nd Pic: Ava Dress 3rd Pic: Baby Dinosaur Dress 4th Pic: Bailey Outfit 5th Pic: Cara Dress 6th Pic: Delrica Dress 7th Pic: Fable Outfit 8th Pic: Hanna Outfit 9th Pic: Pink Overalls(Currently on MM Board!) 10th Pic: Rou Dress 11th Pic: Shelbz Outfit 12th Pic: Tatum Outfit 13th Pic: Vikki Outfit 14th Pic: Willow Outfit Any of this outfits you can't find at her inworld shop you can always find on her Marketplace here. Thank you guys for reading!! More blogs to come for sure :D |