Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ Sophisticated ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ Sophisticated ♥
Mar 17th 2015, 16:37

First of all, let me preface this post with the following.. those of you who read what I have to say (as well as look at my blog pictures) are awesome. It keeps me wanting to write and share more.. so thank you. 


The last few days have been a swirl of figures in my real life. My fiancee and I are currently trying to navigate the treacherous path of mortgages. If you've ever done it, I'm sure you'll agree it's a lot to swallow.. especially since it's the first time we've done it. Yep, we're first time buyers.. and as first time buyers it's not been an easy path to follow, there's been a lot of conflicting information thrown at us along the way too. I think we're finally starting to get a grasp on things now, which is good.. especially because we've seen a house we are extremely interested in and want to put an offer in on. I've rented for 11 years and my partner has rented even longer than that (since he's older) So a place that is finally ours is more than a little overdue. It's an exciting and scary thing to do though.. and because there's lots of money involved you really have to think about what you are doing. You are bombarded with information and it can all be a little overwhelming. Calculating fees for solicitors charges, insurance, moving cost, stamp duty etc etc.. is a long and arduous process. No wonder I prefer being a toddler in Second Life.. being a grownup is just so hard! I know that this will be incredibly rewarding should our offer be accepted - but I also know that it can take a while for things to go through so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much (even though in my head it's already ours!) They say good things come to those who wait.. so I'm going to sit here and wait patiently for our offer to be accepted............. Hmm....... -drums fingers on the arm of my chair- Okay.. I'm bored of waiting now. 

So.. anyways, Second Life is good right now. Between Blogging and hanging out with my mummy I've done a little creating on the side. I hope to get back into creating a little more than I have been.. so Awwdorable will probably be seeking out events to participate in to get the name seen a little more. Watch this space! Not literally.. because this space is going to stay the same. Oh, you know what I mean!

As for my sophisticated look that I'm wearing today, it was all inspired around this cute pink coat dress from Little Closet that I got at La Boutique. This is an event that definitely has quality designers in and I pretty much snapped up nearly everything in this round.. so you'll be seeing more soon. 

Oh, before I close.. Happy St Patricks day! I'm sorry I'm a rebel and I'm not wearing green.. but green just reminds me of boogers. Happy shopping everyone! ♥

Outfit: Dolly Dress - Pink from Little Closet (La Boutique - March 2015)
Tights: Bow Tights - White from Turducken
Shoes: Katie Shoes from Bad Seed Boutique
Hair: Sherilyn - Blonds from Tableau Vivant (Collabor88 - March 2015)
Ring: Doughnut Ring from Yummy
Ring: Ice Cream Scoop Ring - Strawberry from tsg
Bracelet: My Love Bracelet and Ring Set-Silver (Darks) from A.D.D Andel!
Skin: Kandy Skin - Normals [BlB Freckles] from Babysteps
Teeth: Teeth from Bad Seed Boutique
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: Heart Nails ToddleeDoo from Awwdorable
Pose: Preppy - Preppy 1 from .click.

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