Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ Hello Beautiful - Round 5 - Part 4 ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ Hello Beautiful - Round 5 - Part 4 ♥
Mar 4th 2015, 18:57

Slowly getting through my Hello Beautiful posts! Thought I'd take a break from my cats 4th birthday to blog some more. I can't believe my fur baby is 4 years old now.. they grow up so fast! -tear- Yes, I am a crazy cat lady. Moving on.

I'm in a freckle frenzy today.. wearing some cute freckles from Tic Tot Toe. These are available at this round of Hello Beautiful. They even work with mesh heads! Bonus. There are three types too.. light, medium and dark.. and you can even get ones with blush. A must have if you want freckles and the skin you love doesn't come with them.

How adorable is this pacifier from Petite Bowtique? It's the RARE Princess one from the gatcha at Hello Beautiful. It's pink and girly.. and has sparkly particles. There are tons of different ones to collect. 

I'm wearing glittery nails from Enchanted Bowtique called "Pixie dust" these ones are rare. The rare one you get all the colours. These are available at Hello Beautiful too.

My mummy got me this fantastic bedroom set from Sugar & Spice. It's at the Woodlands right now.. you can get the full set for 750 lindens. This is just part of the set that you can see.. it's a really adorable set.

Gonna leave you with my fave song of the moment right now.. it's after the credits. They  were playing at the Brit Awards after party and I fell in love with the track.

Happy shopping everyone! Remember to click images for a larger view. ♥ 

Outfit: Unicorn Princess from That's So Kyoot
Hair: Shimmer [01] from Magika
Pacifier: Princess Pacifier RARE from Petite Bowtique 
(Hello Beautiful - March 2015)
Skin: Little Beauty Pale [with pink cheeks and teeth tattoo] 
from Bad Seed Boutique
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Freckles: Freckles Light from Tic Tot Toe (Hello Beautiful - March 2015)
Nails: Pixie dust Rare from Enchanted Bowtique 
(Hello Beautiful - March 2015)
Bedroom set: Unicorn Bunk Bed Room Set from Sugar & Spice 
(Woodlands - March 2015)
Beauty clutter: Beauty Clutter RARE from Second Spaces 

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