Saturday, February 14, 2015

-Little Friends in SL-: Happy Rezz Day to me!

-Little Friends in SL-
Clothes, toys, poses, pets, special events for kids in SL.
Happy Rezz Day to me!
Feb 15th 2015, 06:05

6 years in SL....

...I'm wearing...
Outfit: Turducken Toddleedoo - Mishi Jumper Outfit - Red NEW!
Earmuff: [CGH] @ The Thrift Shop 8.0 (All item are 50% off and gacha is 30% off.) - Macaron Bear Earmuffs
Copy,Mod OK
100% Original Mesh
Resize and color change OK by menu.
Bag [CGH] @ The Thrift Shop 8.0 - Macaroni Bear Bag
Copy,Mod OK
100% Original Mesh
Resize and color change OK by menu.
Necklace [CGH] @ The Thrift Shop 8.0 - Macaron Necklace Gacha
Mod, Trans OK
100% Original Mesh
Only the rare bag can be changed ribbon texture by menu.
Hair: Magika - Beans

Special thanks 
Caco Nexen

You and I - One Direction

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