Thursday, January 1, 2015

-Little Friends in SL-: Travel?

-Little Friends in SL-
Clothes, toys, poses, pets, special events for kids in SL.
Jan 2nd 2015, 02:08

Suitcase pose 1

Suitcase pose 2 All poses include a plain suitcase
and also holdable versions:

Suitcase - Canada (2)

Suitcase - Paris v1 (7)

 Not this time...January is a busy month for me...
First day of rl job is next monday and  knowing that I´m going to be tired
I always come home late, about 7 or 8 pm (at 6am I'm out to my job)
so please be patient with blog post, because I don´t know how full is my agenda
(mostly full in January) to be continued...

Outfit: That's so {Kyoot} - Ariana (Green)
available at the mainstore
Poses: That's so {Kyoot}Suitcases are part of Woodland Gacha
50L per play and there are 12 commons and 2 rares

Special thanks
Sprinklz Adored

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