Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Petits Choux: Trunk or Treat. Part.1........ɞ

Petits Choux
Fashion, fun, and friendship from the smaller side of Second Life!
Trunk or Treat. Part.1........ɞ
Oct 15th 2014, 03:09

Happy Tuesday! I both hope you're doing amazing tonight! SO, had the exciting pleasure to go into Trunk and Treat early as a blogger and let me tell you, I was SO excited! There are so many cool things and the set up is really really cute! The organizers did an amazing job of putting it together and I loved that pretty much EVERYTHING was out to buy when Blogger time began, save for a few items! Wonderfully put together! Now, check out what I picked up!

Look! Lookit all these treats! The weather is so pretty here today so I picked up some awesome and super tasty treats! This super perfect set is from NACH! All the little tasty treats and the stand is a gacha at Trunks and Treats! I love the detailing in the mesh and how real everything looks. I totally wanted to snatch the chocolates up and nom on them! Now, I know you've been admiring my perfectly cute hair! It's new from Laviere and guess what?! You can find it at the event too! Yep, that's right and it's for a super affordable price as well! This cute hair has two little bows with eyeballs in the middle- BUT they're not the creepy kind of eyeball, they're just perfect for Halloween! Make sure you pick it up girlies- you'll love it- and if you're not a fan of eyeballs, it's mod so you can eye the bows easily!

For my outfit, I have the pieces from Just Kidding's items! The overalls come in 3 different denims and the tops come in a bunch more. The best part, they're unisex and super comfy! I like that any toddleedoo can wear them and then come in neutral colours, 'girliesh' and 'boyish'! They're just so cute and worn- like a kids run around in them allllll day!

For my pose, it's by our very own Gemma! Tiny Gems did 3 cute poses, 2 are with friends and this one is just for one and a gift tot he shoppers too! Again a perfect job done with super smooth joints! It's perfect if you're doing a Halloween photo to give out!

I was trying to fly this awesome broom... Buuuut.. I don't always have the best balance so this.. all....happened! However, the blogging shall go on! My totally cute and super warm dress is from Little Closet! They come in a bunch of different colours including a bloody version which is a gift for shoppers! It's so so cute and I just love the small fabric details and the adorable buttons! I see you spying my adorable leggings! They're from Minuet and they have these cute little candy sprinkle pattern on them! They too come in various colours and are super versatile! I topped this perfect little ensemble off with my hat/hair from Argrace and and shoes from a Tiptoe outfit. One of my favourite parts of this shot is the pose. .Click. did adorable witch poses! It's a set of 3 cute poses that are done around the witch broom! They're super well done and I really like how fluid the pose moves almost which I think is SUPER important in a pose. Nothing bothers me more then hard lines and broken joints in a pose- but you won't find any of those issues here!

That's it! Now, keep in mind that Trunk or Treat does not open until midnight tonight so I can't quite give you the link to it just yet, but I'll be updating tomorrow with the slurl in the blog! ALL of these amazing designers have done MORE then just the pieces I've shown- so please make sure you're checking everything out. A lot of the designers have also put out gifties for the buyers which is amazingly generous so if you get a chance, and you see something you absolutely love, let them know! Keep an eye out on Thursday- I have loads more to show you, but I'm gonna need some help from some friends and I'm so excited to show you those pieces!

ʚ........NACH Halloween Candy Stall {Gacha Set} *@ Trunk or Treat*
ʚ........{tg.} - All Things Halloween. {Gift} *@ Trunk or Treat*
ʚ........-LaViere- Sabrina  Browns *@ Trunk or Treat*
ʚ........just kidding: Combine-me Sweater - BABY - Pastel Pink *@ Trunk or Treat*
ʚ........just kidding: Overalls - BABY - True Blue Dots *@ Trunk or Treat*
ʚ........Turducken ToddleeDoo - Chic Sneakers - Plain Blue

ʚ.........click. Witchy Poses {2} *@ Trunk or Treat*
ʚ........Little Closet - Sailors Dress - Sky - Boxed *@ Trunk or Treat*
ʚ......... tiptoes - Autumn Love {Boots Only}
ʚ........Minuet - White Drizzle Tights  *@ Trunk or Treat*
ʚ........*ARGRACE* Halloween Gift 2014 - for Women

There you go! Don't forget that Trunk or Treat opens at 12am SLT TONIGHT! So stay up and get ready! You're going to LOVE it! Ah I'm so excited!
xo, Riles.....

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