Sunday, October 12, 2014

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ Autumn ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ Autumn ♥
Oct 12th 2014, 13:51

I'm wearing a cute snuggly sweater set from Heffalumps which is called "Izzy" - the outfit is comprised of a nicely textured white sweater, blue jeans, white sneakers and hair bows (which I'm not wearing) A great outfit for this time of year.

Accessories wise I'm wearing a very sweet peach scarf and hat set from Tic Tot Toe, which can currently be found at the Route 66 event. The pose I'm using is also from Tic Tot Toe (also at Route 66 - are you seeing a theme here yet?) The great thing about this pose is that the rake can be resized to get a good fit. I also love that there's a matching adult version.. which I'm sure would make adorable pictures for raking up leaves together if you're lucky enough to get an adult to pose with you that is. Tic Tot Toe even has an animated rake out at Route 66, so be sure you go check out all the goodies that are up for grabs.

I'm wearing a new skin called "Dahlia" from FreshFace that can be found at the Boho Fair. It's a little darker than what I've been wearing lately, but considering it's not a ToddleeDoo skin it works pretty well for us I think.

Outfit: Izzy from Heffalumps (Minus hair bows)
Hair: Macaroons - Blonde from Atomic (Candy Fair 2014)
Hat and scarf set: Peach Hat and Scarf from Tic Tot Toe (Route 66)
Ring: Batty Ring from Noodles
Skin: Dahlia from FreshFace (Boho Fair
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: Halloween Nails ToddleeDoo from Awwdorable
Pose: Autumn is Coming (Kids) from Tic Tot Toe (Route 66)

Special thanks to Heffalumps, Tic Tot Toe and FreshFace

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