Monday, September 8, 2014

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ Ballerina ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ Ballerina ♥
Sep 8th 2014, 22:39

I've always wanted to do ballet in Second Life.. but there's never been a place that has had good enough animations for ToddleeDoo (at least I've found so far) Anyway, that doesn't stop me from dressing up as a ballerina though.. this very pretty ballerina costume is from Viv.a! Kids. It has a cute pink bunny on the front of the leotard (which is mesh) and comes with mesh tutu, hair bow, tights with ballerinas on them and then of course ballet slippers with adorable little bows on them.

Check out the cute room stuff from ISPACHI that I picked up at The Arcade. I only wanted the rare puppy from the machine, but I didn't get it.. instead I ended up with a few pink furniture items and I think they're pretty cute.

Outfit: Ballet Costume from Viv.a! Kids
Hair: Lala - Blondes from Truth
Necklace: Sleeping Beauty's Pendant - Pink from O.M.E.N
Bracelet: Forest's Tale - Petals and Pearls Bracelet - Pink from Half Deer
 Rings: Lady Heart Tiara Ring - Pink and Gumball Princess - Pink from Yummy 
Skin: Ivy Snow from FreshFace (Wicked Wonderland Fair)
Teeth: OpenMouthPRO Basic and BabyTeeth Add on from PXL
Eyelashes: Eyelashes from Little Pixels
Nails: Cupcake Nails from Awwdorable
In the background:
[Florian] Dresser [Pink] from ISPACHI (The Arcade September 2014)
[Florian] Bedside Locker Basic [Pink] from ISPACHI 
(The Arcade September 2014)
[Florian] Trunk {Pink] from ISPACHI (The Arcade September 2014)
[Florian] Bedside Locker Basic [Pink] from ISPACHI 
(The Arcade September 2014)
Ballet Box: Music box / ballet from floorplan
Ballerina: Precious Ballerina Ballerina from Aura's (Old Limited item)
Light: Pretty in Pink Lighted Mirror from Buglets
Pose: Ballet Bar Pose 05 from #hashtag

 Special thanks to Viv.a! Kids and FreshFace

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