Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Little Lily's Closet: Easter Hunt and Fun

Little Lily's Closet
Easter Hunt and Fun
Apr 16th 2014, 19:26

On the 17th Kids Zone will be hosting a Easter hunt ! but thats not all ! there will be a coloring contest and random prizes given out, ALSO the movie Hop is playing all month long There will be cheapies, free stuffs and much more Hope to see you there April 17th @ 4pm slt This event is sponsored by Sugar & Spice & Koala Kisses aka Lily McBride and Lottie McBride !

Date :April 17th
Time: 4pm slt
Place: Kids Zone

How does the Hunt work?

Well you come to kid zone, and walk over to the Easter Center and then you will see The Hud giver.

1 Click and attach your hud.

2. Run around Kid zone and find eggs

3 Click on the eggs you find, when you click an egg it will tell you chat how many eggs you have found so far
           Example: "You have now found 9 eggs!"

4 After you are done finding all the eggs you can (make sure to look ever where! even inside the store!) click the word upload to send oyur score to the score board. there you can see where you rank in the top 10 (the score board is located at the Easter center where you got your hud)

5 in the top 10 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be given a mega prize form Sugar and spice and Kola Kisses. 4th-10t will be given smaller prizes. So try your hardest ! Prizes will be given out at 7pm slt on the of the hunt.


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