Thursday, September 5, 2013

-Little Friends in SL-: I just came to say Hello!

-Little Friends in SL-
Clothes, toys, poses, pets, special events for kids in SL.
I just came to say Hello!
Sep 6th 2013, 03:16

When we honestly ask oursevelves
which person in our lives means the most
to us, we often find that it 
is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions or  cures
have chosen rather to share our pain and
touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand

Henri Nouwen

Shirt: [SKL] TD Daddys Little Sweetie Short Sleeve
Hair: tram C409 hair
Shorts: [SKL] TD Khaki Navy Bermuda Short
Owl: *MishMish* @ {Dream Garden} Event Tawny Owl - Basic Version
Shoes: bC - Gracie sneakers
poses: elephante @ {Dream Garden} - Starlight
Urdina is Bitacora´s Land Pet, his name means Blue in Basque language

Video: I just came to say Hello

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