Friday, September 6, 2013

All About The Little: Toddleedoo Sale Garden

All About The Little
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Toddleedoo Sale Garden
Sep 6th 2013, 19:13


Looks like another event is beginning. Interested in getting involved read the post below on how to get involved.

What is the ToddleeDoo Sale Garden?
Simply a new way to get great items for less and allow new stores to be promoted.

Who can join the sales?
Anyone but keep in mind the item and store MUST be toddleedoo.

Does it cost to be in the sale “room”?
not at this time . and probably never will. this is to help and promote not for me to make money.

How, when is this sale?
Runs monthly from the 15th of the month to the 10th of month. example
This allows time to vendors changed over and get your ads in for advertising.

That simple thats it!

Item price must be 99Ls or lower. Simple vendor and simple LM givers please no major decor.


1. Secondlife Name (not display :

2. Store Name :

3. Store slurl/Landmark/MP
ONLY need one used as main.

4. What do you sale?


Please return at Mall center snailmail.

- Contact Nisaa Coveria for more information.

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