Friday, September 6, 2013

All About The Little: The Halloween Heist October 2013

All About The Little
Kids Events, Gatchas & so much more
The Halloween Heist October 2013
Sep 6th 2013, 20:22

                                 halloween heist2
P̅a̅r̅t̅i̅c̅i̅p̅a̅t̅i̅o̅n̅ D̅e̅t̅a̅i̅l̅s̅
H̲u̲l̲l̲a̲B̲a̲l̲o̲o̲ ̲S̲i̲m̲,̲ ̲O̲c̲t̲.̲ ̲2̲0̲1̲3̲

The Halloween Heist will be a grid-wide storyline event for HullaBaloo’s main and branch stores, as well as stores all across the grid. This event will bring traffic and fun to each individual store participating in the hunt!

The basic idea is that, as part of a huge visitor appreciation ceremony and treat giving event for Halloween, each store has created special Halloween treats that are stolen by a group of baddies called “Grimmlies”. They are fictional, imp-like creatures said to live in the hills around HullaBaloo that collect and hoard goods. An example of one is pictured in the flyer below.

The hunt takes place around the idea that the hunter is helping one rouge Grimmlie re-find all the stolen treats! They will be provided with a ‘map-hud’ to assist them, and you will be provided with instructions on how to ‘hide’ your store’s treat. Your stores will reward each ‘hunter’ for their help in restoring Halloween’s treats to the HullaBaloo sim!

Further details and additional required information will be provided to applicants, but please contact Cute Bytes CSR Kouture Sorbet in world via notecard with any questions!

If you would like to participate, please fill out the following form and place it in the monster mailbox on the grass island directly across from Cute Bytes and add your store name in the title of the notecard. *Please keep in mind that the offered item should be original and in fitting with the theme of Halloween, as well as unavailable for normal sale, at other events, or any other release to reserve the exclusivity of the event prizes!

If you are interested in participating, copy and paste the application below into a notecard and fill it out and return here.

This is the participant application for the HullaBaloo October Event: The Halloween Heist.

Following this application’s receipt and review, you will be given a list of requirements for participation, as well as a deadline and event timeline. This should take no more than two days – please contact Kouture Sorbet if you’ve heard nothing in that time. All deadlines must be met before or on the date posted in the in order to have your store included. Please do not be late as there will be no exceptions made!

The event is projected to run from the 13th of October until the 9th of November.


Avatar Name:
(Please put your avatar name here, not your display name)

Calling Card:
(Please simply drag/paste it into the notecard)

Store Name:

Store Logo:


Type of prize to be offered:
(In Example: Dress and shoes, headbands, bows, mouth noms, eyes, halloween skin, tattoo/facepaint, ect — The more specific you can be, the better. Try to remember that there will be multiple stores entering, so you want to try to be creative!)


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