Woot! Woot! We are back My Dollies! Missed us? Of course you did, because we dearly missed each of you! I'm so grateful that we made it back in time for the
'Love Donna Flora Fundraiser'. I was looking forward to the opportunity of contribution. One of the things that I absolutely love about Second Life, is how the community collectively come together to raise funds for good causes and charity. Awesome participators of this event are lined up all around the sim. 50-100% of your purchases are donated toward this great cause.
My cupcake and I shopped around in total awe at the amazing items on display. We purchased the beautiful
'Adaline' dress from
Petite Bowtique in both Mommy and Baby size. Among other items, we were ecstatic to find a very nice pose,
'Treasured', by
Click Poses... -and- there was no way we were leaving without the adorable Plushie,
'LDF Hope Bunny' by
Outfit- (Adaline) by Petite Bowtique (LDF Fundraiser) Hair - (My Cupcake)-(#33 - Blk)- by Dura Hair - (Me) - (Lacey - Blks/White) - by Truth Hair Watch & Bracelets - (Female Sitennoah) by Mandala Headband - (My Cupcake) (Cher Outfit) by Peekabee Pose - (Treasured) by Click Poses & Props (LDF Fundraiser) |
'Donna Flora' is a female clothing and accessory store, branded and established by Squinternet Larnia. Respected and loved by many, Squinternet herself has participated in the majority of charity events. In December of 2011, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. According to the official
Love Donna Flora Fundraiser blog, she is currently undergoing nursing home care and "hopes to travel to a cancer treatment center in Northern Italy for a last-chance attempt". For more information, please click on the link below:
Official Blog - Love Donna Flora FundraiserLandmark -
Love Donna FloraThis fundraiser is not only to raise funds, its to show our support, love, and hope that she will conquer this unfortunate condition. The last day is August 11th. If you haven't done so, please go by to give your support and donation.
Remember the Art of Living is the Art of Giving! ♥
Sending Our Prayers & Lots of Love,DollyBird ♥ "This copyrighted article was originally published on sldollybird.blogspot.com. If found published elsewhere, this material has been illegally scraped and should be reported to sldollybird@gmail.com. © 2012 Copyright – All rights reserved - DollyBird-sldollybird.blogspot.com.