Saturday, July 13, 2013

Soken Kids Mesh: Introducing a New Friend...

Soken Kids Mesh
Introducing a New Friend...
Jul 13th 2013, 10:21, by Kezia

I have spent many days talking to all sorts of customers. I enjoy listening to feedback, good and bad, and learning from what my Soken kiddos have to say. I love to make everyone happy, even though I know that feat is quite impossible. But there is a particular feedback that really made my day, and I want to share with all of you. Introducing a new friend... Abi Huet.

I thought she was so adorable that I had to introduce her in my blog! Above we have Abi cutely posing a picture in her Little Red bow puff dress that she had recently purchased. When I told her that I would blog our conversation, she was so happy that she sent me pictures to accompany the post. This outfit also comes with a red cape and a basket of food- inspired from the store Little Red Riding Hood. Abi's avatar is a SMB kid avatar, which fits the rigged mesh dress perfectly.

So here is how it goes....

Abi: hi :) i just bought your little red bow mesh dress and thought you might like to know it works perfectly with the super mesh brothers mesh avatar i just added it instead of wear it and use the super mesh bros hud you get with the avatar that can hide certain body pasts using the built in alpha changer, you just hide the shoulders and chest  :) i am mentioning this as there is hardly any good mesh clothing for the super mesh bros avatar, i would suspect the same will apply to the boy avatar as well.

Diiego: yay! thank you so much im glad you liked it
Abi: i do i love it, the best mesh yet that fits the avatar

Diiego: thank you! i will post them up
Abi: no problem :) they must add though not wear and hide chest and shoulders on the super mesh bros hud
Diiego: what happens if you wear instead of add?
Abi: it removes the mesh body. add just puts it directly on the mesh body, when you buy the mesh bros mesh avatar it comes with a boy and girl version so i suspect adding with the boys version will work with your boys stuff.

Diiego: oooh i see
Abi: im in your store now if you want to see it actually on, there are no glitches at all.

So I'm glad to have met Abi, and I hope this info will help all of you as well. Thank you Abi!

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