Clothing and Accessories:
Outfit: :>Inner Peace<: Baby Relly
Shoes: Turnips. Bunny shoes
Pose and rabbit hole: made myself for the picture, but will be coming soon as I get my pose store together 
Bunny: =Feather=StuffedRabbit(White)B (by Sakuya Lane)
Body parts:
Hair: [elikatira] Changes – Brown 02
Skin: [Pink Fuel] Elly – Pure/nolash (ltbrow/freck)
Face Tattoos:
::dUTCH tOUCH:: AddOns – Moles and Xtra Freckles
[Pink Fuel] Elly Doll Gloss/Teeth (Bitten)
Dimples by me!
Eyes: Mayfly – Deep Sky Mesh Eyes (Dusky Bronze)
Lids: Slink Mesh Lids and Lashes
Mesh Avatar: **Cute Bytes** ToddleeDoo – BabyGirl
Happy Shopping Kiddos!