Wednesday, July 10, 2013

[Face.It-We.Suck]: Love is War

Another one of those Second Life Fashion Blogs!
Love is War
Jul 10th 2013, 23:46, by Iris Ventris

So I've been waiting for these mesh tuxes for like, since before the last wedding I went to earlier this month. And FINALLY, after taking foreveeeer, Diiego released them. And to celebrate we all swagged up and got on a group pose! And this was the most complicated picture I've ever taken for this blog. These two are so freaking pale compared to me, that when I looked great they had a glare. And if they looked great I looked dark as all get out. So I found a somewhat happy medium.

So originally I thought about doing this picture just me and Sarai, but then I saw this pose and hinted at Diiego that I needed a third person. He didn't get it till I said hint hint though, so points off for that. Call me the bobfather! (For those of you who didn't get that reference I'm sad for you).
Like everything the suits are rigged mesh and come in lots of different colors, you can even see me in some of them on mp :3 when they get put up... tonight probably. 
So as you can see the tux comes in two jacket colors, black and white, both swanky classics, then the details are different colors, you can get blue, purple, pink, green, yellow, red, and I'm sure he'd even do a custom if you really wanted him to. I might ask for one. Oh and it comes in gold and silver, and creme and stuff.
You can get one at the inworld shop [taxi] or on marketplace [link to come].
>.Iris Menna.<

Diiego is wearing: [SKM] Classic Sangria Modern Open Tuxedo Suit MESH
Todd is wearing: [SKM] Classic Aqua Modern Open Tuxedo Suit MESH
Sarai is wearing: [SKM] Blanca light pink Modern Open Tuxedo Suit

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