Hai Bloggers,
Dont foget to check out the lovely Sand and Sea Expo That hosted by the oceanica breedables that will be coming to secondlife soon so keep your eyes out for that! I made my way into the expo this afternoon and it was crazy but fun. the lag was nuts but i got what i wanted to blog for. I didnt take any pictures yet at the expo but i will ONCE i get to rez there and people NOT on my case in rl! Anyhow I seen that KittyCats was there and what next and Lisp and all that fun stuff so i went and had fun finding the bloggers shell and i found couple i like and what not.
The event is here:
Here is some of the pictures i got.. But theres so much more to see. go check it out before it ends on the 5th... With that keep eye on other stuff i blogged that i got from the blogger shell...