Ohai Bloggers,
Happy Wednesday, Well Tuesday for me. But Ill leave it to Wednesday. I had fun blogging old clothes the last couple of days. But this week I bringing you something from Baby Pie, She put this cute Floral Outfit out for lazy Sunday. I was super excited. I love floral things. I love the fact that it fits baby and kids and it make you super cute.Anyhow.. Go check it out before she picks it up! Also I wanted to send out some prayers to the botson people that got effected by the bomb at the marton... Hugs and Kisses until next time!..
Outfit:*Baby Pie* Aurora Toddleedoo Bubble Dress
Hair:[e] With - Brown 08(mod)
Avie:**Cute Bytes** ToddleeDoo v.2.3 - BabyGirl