Good morning! I was awake wayyy to early this morning! Can you tell? *giggles* As you knows yawning is very contagious… .oO( wonders how many of you will give at least one yawn seeing this picture?) Well..while working on taking it and fiddling with face animations to look like a yawn.. I found myself yawning over and over and over! It’s so silly how dat works! Giggles! Anywayyzzzz…. now wakey wakey!!!! I have major cuteness to share with you today! Brand NEW from [Ello Poppet] is this adorable night gown! This sleepwear comes with the gown with the words, “Sweet Dreams” on it, lace trimmed arm cuffs, the cute lil slippers, a binky (not shown because I was too busy yawning), ruffled pant bottoms, 2 face masks (one for sleeping and one for awake) annnnnd a snugly teddy bear that’s scripted for you to hold! If this is not enough cuteness for you then you defiantly need to go check out the brand new [ello poppet] Getting late pose that goes absolutely perfect with the night gown! All of the prim pieces with this outfit have re-size scripts so any ToddleeDoo size should be able to wear it \o/ Okay, my 5 minutes are up.. time for me to go get my day started.
Outfit: [Ello Poppet] Sweet Dreams Nightie set *NEW*
Earrings: Mommy & Me Boutique ~Bebe'Licious~ Follow Your Heart Set {Silver}
Hair: Magika [01] Plenty
Skin: .::Mother Goose's::. MiChi III (B)set
Shape: Turducken Larissa (modified)
Body: Cute Bytes ToddleeDoo v.2.3 – BabyGirl
Pose: .click. Dressy
Bedroom Set: * AR * – Zoe Tot – Set
Wall Art: Whimzie [W] Wall Decal- Love you Forever