Hey everyone, I hope you had an awesomesauce halloween filled wif lots of candies *giggles*
Now that halloween is over but christmas is not quiet here yet, you are probably wonder what you can do to pass that time, well there are several things you can do, many sims like Oh Daisies have converted over to a winter theme were you can skate and stuff but if you are looking for something more then why not try this months hunt.
Star Struck Hunt runs from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30 and is based on...you gussed it Hollywood & Movies & all the hunt items are made to fit this awesome theme.
Start Sim is....
SSH !START! ~*Buglets*~ (New)The group to join should you need help is.... Duchess Kid Hunt Group
There is also a blog to provide extra help......
http://duchesskidhunt.blogspot.ca/ ....unfortunately at the time of this post the blog was not updated for this hunt :(
I had tons of fun doing this hunt and the gifts rock..as always.. the creators did wicked jobs on there gifts making this another hunt that is definately worth the time.
Have fun and happy hunting ㋡