Hi everyone! I haven't blogged in forever!! I'm sowwy! :( Life has been crazy busy both SL and RL. :/ But, I have some really awesome designer friends who keep passing me free outfits and I've decided to start "earning my keep"! This outfit isn't from one of their stores, but definitely stay tuned for some awesome previews of cute ToddleeDoo outfits from
.: Petite Bowtique :. and
Munchkin Toes !!
For all those who didn't believe I was an angel... see below for proof. Xd
Angel Costume: Turducken - Lil Angel Costume - ToddleeDoo
Turducken - Cutie Earrings - Unicorn
tram B426 hair / brown&black (everyone wants to know where this is from... so, you're welcome! lol xd)
ROZENA ~Ai(peach v2)~ baby gloss natural