Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kaysha's World: Puzzle Time With Layla!

Kaysha's World
Puzzle Time With Layla!
Aug 16th 2012, 09:55

Hi Bloggers,
Happy Wednesday! Hope everyone having a great Mid Week!I sorta am but eh life goes on! Anyhow today i decided to share my puzzle with mines zooby baby! Sometimes you need share and i decided to share with mines Layla Girl! I found a puzzle in inventory and set it out put layla in a spot and we had one on one talk.. Sometimes it great to talk with a doll.. No dont call me werid.. i sure everyone done it. LOL.. Have a great week everyone!

Hair:[e] Falling 2 - Brown 08
Outfit:*Aura's*  AVY COmbo for Toddledoo's & Yabu's 
Avie:**Cute Bytes** ToddleeDoo v.1.6
Puzzle:[S] Chunky Puzzle - Garden Critters 
Zooby:Zooby Baby- Bailey Toddler


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