Saturday, August 18, 2012

[Face.It-We.Suck]: < I'm Lovin' It! >

Another one of those SecondLife Fashion Blogs!
< I'm Lovin' It! >
Aug 18th 2012, 17:01

Okay, so I don't exactly love this outfit. It's cute and entertaining though, so I do enjoy it. It's a free hint item for the Boys Will be Boys Hunt [start point] at Zonk's new mainstore [taxi]. Now I haven't been there in a while, because everyone knows I'm VERY picky about my clothes. We all wanna look our best right? Well they released an outfit that I liked. I stared at the picture and debated. Do I really wanna go buy it? So I go to the mainstore, and I'm walking all around the shop, and I'm like where is it. It was right in front of me ._. I failed massively. But anyways! I continue walking around the shop, looking at everything. They have a lot of Jammies, and two superhero dress-up type outfits. Oh free hunt item? I'll take it. While I'm here I'll buy the outfit. Because without new clothes I will die. I go to my platform, and I'm all like, neh hunt items normally suck. Sad but true. So I open it. Stare at the picture and started giggling. It was cute. It made me laugh. Not cute in a 'OMG so adorable' way but cute in a 'Hahaha that's cute' way. It comes in normal kid, and yabu sizes. This is a quick, easy and free outfit to get you family and friends giggling. You know, boys will be boys, but girls can almost always wear it better. xD

The little happy meal box comes with it, and you can hold it in your hand. :D (this outfit made you smile didn't it? told you it was cute)

Outfit: Zonk! Yabu McKid
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Clementine Hair - Pancake
Eyes: [PixelSteam] Eyes-Black Stone (Medium)

Outfit: Zonk! Yabu Death
Hair: Yasyn - Bangarang - Grandma's Hot Cocoa
Eyes: [PixelSteam] Eyes-Black Stone (Medium)

And then another outfit! That sadly enough, does not look right on girls. So, sorry ladies, boy's here's one for you! Plus a new hair! Woot! This outfit is also from Zonk. It's a new one, and look he's wearing shoes! It's the end of the world! Not really, I was just too lazy to go and put my feet back on. So no barefootedness today. Yes I realize the box is int he picture. I thought it looked nice, like an accessory! Idk how to explain it, it just seemed to complete the picture for me. If that bothers you then just ignore the box, pretend it doesn't exsist. It might hurt poor Boxy's feelings, because Boxy only wants to be loved. But, you don't have to acknowledge him if you don't want to. Anyways, back to the important part, the outfit! The textures and outfit itself are simple, not too much to it, but not understated either. They do a very good job of keeping their outfit casual, but not lazy by adding the right amount of accessories. Also the hair, is fabulous, I mean I'd been looking at Yasyn's [taxi] hairs for a few months going, nah, that hair sucks. But I got desperate so I was trying on demos like my life depended on it and I tried this one and hit buy. Yasyn doesn't only sell hair, they sell accessories, woot! But yes, these are the outfits for today, and I'll try to blog something for you little princesses later, after I check out the rest of the shops new releases.
>.Iris Menna.<


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