Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kaysha's World: Reading Rainbow

Kaysha's World
Reading Rainbow
Jul 25th 2012, 10:20

Hi Blogger,
Happy Tuesday and Wednesday! I totally took this picture yesterday and forgot and so now i am blogging for Tuesday and Wednesday! Dont mind me.. Any how I also have a hard time coming up with titles for the blog! LOL.. I try and come up with something that the team of what i am wearing! Sometimes it hard.. Anyhow I wearing royal pain yabu outfit, i had the hardest time taking a picture of me casue the diaper was to big lol but i got... I love this outfit i love how the dress is and what not... but dont forget to the check out the new Yabu and CK.. She got loads to offer for girls and boys! 
Happy Shopping everyone!

Skin:*oh* One Voice: Mommie & Me Exculsive SkinLine (Me Tan)
Shape:*Oh Daisies* Yabu Shape 0.89 Meters /  2.91 Feet
Hair:>TRUTH< Sable - chocolate
Outfit:*-* Royal Pain *-* Royal Yabu Rainbow pink


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