Thursday, June 7, 2012

Simplicity: She’s a Dreamer

The simplest things are often the truest.

She's a Dreamer
Jun 8th 2012, 03:17
Hey everyone, I hope you are all well! I’ve been super distracted lately by some awesome things. I’ve been working on learning how to make sculpts in Blender… very very slowly. I’m also looking into mesh and I plan on making a WHOLE lot of things and then having a huge grand reopening of my store! So as you can imagine I am so very excited and distracted. I’ve had a million thoughts running through my head for weeks now! So therefore, I’m using that as an excuse as to why I’ve not been blogging. Anyway, today I’m showing you an old favorite of mine that I’m usually wearing when I’m feeling girly… which isn’t often, mind you. I/m usually running around in converse and jeans these days. But this is my favorite color, plus it’s not something you see every kid wearing out there (Not that I don’t love the outfits that the well known kid designers make, I just like to be different!) And of course the hair I usually wear when I’m in a girly mood as well… not to mention it’s just one of my favorite hairstyles, because hey, who doesn’t love braids?
Outfit: .Clair de Lune. Dancing Around – Blue
Hair: [e] Abbey – Carrot Reds
Shoes: {elsewhere} Ballet Flats (From an old ballet school uniform)
Glasses: [Quantum] Anime glasses

Media files:
Ama Bonana

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