Friday, June 1, 2012

Kaysha's World: Good Bye May, Hello June!

Kaysha's World
Good Bye May, Hello June!
Jun 1st 2012, 08:27

Hello Bloggers, Happy Thursday! 
Oh my gosh tomorrow is June 1st! Thats mean 5 more months till Decemeber! Wow these months has been flying by like crazy!~ Anyways I was in the mood of dressing up in my tiny tot today, I missed it since i been playing my Yabu avie! Any how, I went digging through my MESSY inventory and i spotted this one slevee heart dree with mesh maryjane and perfect to fit us tiny tots, Nisaa from Oh Daises made this Cute summery outfit, I love it. I feel like a little princess, I also LOVE the headband.. I love how it just sit on your head and it makes you look so cute. Anyways Happy Weekend everyone! 

shape:Turducken shape Joy ( mod it)
Skin:2~Mynerva~Little Milena Bisque/Lash
Hair:[e] Falling - Brown 07
Eyes:-Belleza- Eyes Mystic
Tatoo layer:the kid company. lashes. natural.
Growing Hud-*Oh Daisies* Growing Toddler HUD 2.8 (size 1 shortest)

Outfit- .Fg. Ericka Dress (style me) (tot size)

Pose= Random pose was already in the pose stand <3 

xox Kaysha 


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