Monday, May 7, 2012

Oo blubb oO: Mimi Gaufrette~ Claudia~Cecile~Rachel

Oo blubb oO
Your totally random Kids Fashion Blog for Secondlife!

Mimi Gaufrette~ Claudia~Cecile~Rachel
May 7th 2012, 18:04

Mimi Gaufrette - Claudia 1

For little girls, a lovely spring dress with frilly shorts.
Available in three colors, check the store for more.

Mimi Gaufrette - Cecile 1

For little girls, a yummy little dress with sculpty parts.
Available in three colors, check the store for more.

Mimi Gaufrette - Rachel 1 Group Gift

For little girls, a flourish cotton dress perfect for the sunny days.
Click on the subscribo in the mainstore to get it

Mimi Gaufrette - Rachel 2

For little girls, a flourish cotton dress perfect for the sunny days.
It's the prize for the Lotsa Flowers Hunt. Starting on the 1st of May.

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