Sunday, May 13, 2012

CuteBytes: KidSync - Round 3 (May)

Second Life Kids Fashion

KidSync - Round 3 (May)
May 13th 2012, 15:34
I'm really sorry for the delay but i didn't find the time to post :P
Anyways KID SYNC is now open!
We was a bit late cause to the moving, but now is all ready and steady.

On BabyBit:
Body: & Shape < Yabusaka > Baby mesh avatar
Skin: **Cute Bytes** Moonee Skin (KidSync)
Eyes: **Cute Bytes** Loving Eyes -Pink
Hairs: **Cute Bytes** Mely Hairs - Blonde
Outfit: [RI] Pink Owl Fit (Baby Mesh) (KidSync)

On Bit:
Skin: & Shape **Cute Bytes** Moonee Skin (KidSync)
Eyes: **Cute Bytes** Goldy Eyes -Pink (dollerbie group)
Hairs: >TRUTH< Bunny - barley
 Outfit: .Fg. Sunnie Dress (KidSync)

Shelve: .:TS:. Essence of Motherhood Shelf (KidSync)
Photo took at: KIDSYNC!

Designers included to this round:
RazzBerry Inc.
Cute Bytes
Larnia Kids
Tiny Spaces
Candii Kitten
Baby Pie
Lvs Kids
FairyTale Gardens
Knick Knacks

visit Cute Bytes in SecondLife: HullaBaloo

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