Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stephanie Leclerc Blog: Sweet Baby - Second Anniversary - Group Gift !

Stephanie Leclerc Blog
News about my stores. Sweet Baby - Little Sister - Lovely Smiles

Sweet Baby - Second Anniversary - Group Gift !
Apr 28th 2012, 22:53

Hi there ! :)

For the Second Anniversary of Sweet Baby Store, here is a cute gift ! FREE (0l$)
- Chi Chi Panda, with Hug and Kiss.
- Resizer included.
- Fit with the regular kids, or the Tiny Tot HUD.

It's a limited Gift so don't wait, Enjoy !!!!

Note - You have to join my group.

And click the box.

for the members already on my group, activate the group = * = Sweet Baby Group = * =

Sweet Baby - Store SLURL


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