Friday, April 27, 2012

Sassy SecondLife: 15.

Sassy SecondLife
Fashion Blog for the sparkly tots of SecondLife
Apr 27th 2012, 11:24

The L.L.L. Fair is still going on! But this post doesn’t contain items exclusively at the Fair so I didn’t want to lump it in with the others. :)

Sleepytime 2

Sleepytime 1

Clothing and Accessories:
Jammies: *-* Royal Pain *-* Royal Toddler Jammies Tan Blue
Blankie: Turducken – Hooded Blanket – Duck 100% Donation
Please make sure you check out this wonderful event within the next two weeks. Make a purchase of an outfit found on a barrel for either all or some of those proceeds to be donated to Autism Speaks.
Live.Laugh.Love SLURL

Body parts:
Hair: [e] Caramel – Brown 10
Skin: [Pink Fuel] Elly – Pure/nolash (dkbrow/freck)
Face Tattoo #1: freckles, dimples and pink cheeks are of my own creation, not available to buy.
Face Tattoo #2: ::dUTCH tOUCH:: AddOns – Moles and Xtra Freckles
Face Tattoo #3 & 4: -Glam Affair – Leah Cosmetics Freckles A & B
Hair Tattoo: Truth Hairbase – sandlewood
Eyes: Mayfly – Deep Sky Mesh Eyes (Deepest Sapphire)

Bed is made by me and has been a work in progress for nearly 8 months, so it is not available to buy.
Wall art: {PipSqueaKs!} Wall Art PT Once Upon A Dream M/NC/T

Tiny Tot Hud by SweetBaby (MP Link)

Happy Shopping Kiddos!


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