Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Kymber's life in Pixels: Flying High with Boogers at Summer Fest

Kymber's life in Pixels
RPing a 4 year old in Second life...these are my fashion adventures.
Flying High with Boogers at Summer Fest
Jun 15th 2016, 19:31

Boogers is one of those amazing creators that when the releases come out everyone is talking for days about how awesome things are!  Well Zen has done it again for Summerfest 2016 you will find some pretty amazing discounted summer items but these kites!  I cannot even show you in a picture how awesome they are.  In Rainbow and Pizza styles these kites will animate you and fly and the tail of the kite will whip in the wind.  One of the funnest creations I have seen yet!

I played with this kite for over an hour...I had so much fun!

Summerfest  Opens June 18th and will run throuth July 10th.  Boogers has been in every single Summerfest since it started so head over and make this a hit!


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