Friday, May 1, 2015

Kaci's Keepsakes: ♥ Chill ♥

Kaci's Keepsakes
♥ Second Life Blog ♥
♥ Chill ♥
May 1st 2015, 09:18

I haven't managed to get a good nights sleep at all.. so what do I do in these instances? I blog! I need to learn to chill out a bit more and stop getting myself so stressed, so that's exactly what I did.. took myself off to a pretty sim to chill and get some relaxation time. I wasn't worrying about deadlines or anything, just taking my time. Think we all could do with chilling out from time to time.

Hello Beautiful opened it's doors for it's seventh round today. Lots of fantastic creators all in one space, what's not to love about that?! It's a really awesome theme too, so there's lots of diversity in what has been made and there's something for everyone.

Babysteps have made an awesome hair for this round of Hello Beautiful. It's called "Addyline" It comes with the beret attached and an awesome HUD for the hair (including changing root colour) and you can colour the beret from a few different options. I normally wear blonde hair, so for the majority of my pics I am wearing the blonde one. At the very bottom I have included a pic of one colour from each of the packs though.. they are pretty awesome. From top left to right: Brunettes, Black&White and Dips. From bottom left to right: Ombres, Pastels and Reds. You could even treat yourself to the fatpack if you can't decide which colour pack you like. The hair is easily resizable too with a simple click. No rezzing it on the ground and putting in your own resizer.. or messing around trying to find the HUD button.. just click your hair and you're good to go! I hope this is the first of many hairstyles from Babysteps.

My outfit today is from Heffalumps, it's called "Tilly" - so naturally I gravitated towards it because that's also my mummy's name. I think these little flats from Minuet go so perfectly with it. Usually I'm not the kind to dress as dark as this, but I'm trying to experiment with new styles and stepping out of my comfort zone a little more here and there. 

Outfit: Tilly from Heffalumps
Shoes: Bow Flat - Black from Minuet
Hair: Addyline Hair - Blondes from Babysteps (Hello Beautiful - May 2015)
Necklace: Tagged Necklace (Faith) from Cute Poison
Earrings: Children's Starter Earrings from {Adore}
Bracelet: Eternity Bracelet rose brown from Izzie's
Bracelet: Hand stamped bracelet - dream silver from .trinket.
Ring: Ice Cream Scoop Ring - Strawberry from tsg
Skin: No longer available - was from Bad Seed Boutique
Eyelashes: Eyelashes V2 from Little Pixels
Nails: Zipped Nails ToddleeDoo from Awwdorable
Pose: Cutesy - Cutesy 2 from .click.

Special thanks to Babysteps and Heffalumps

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