Monday, June 4, 2012

Kaysha's World: Monday Freebie

Kaysha's World
Monday Freebie
Jun 4th 2012, 14:23

Happy Monday Bloggers!
Oh I wish the weekend was longer, But it okies! Today Makes two weeks since I been apart of my family! I love them dearly! They are supportive towards me in every single way. They make me laugh they make me smile they cuddle me when I need it. I am thankful. Also Today is Daddy REAL life birthday. Happy birthday daddy. Uhhuh i gonna let everyone know it your BIRTHDAY so you can get spams. HAHAH love you. 
Moving on Alka the owner of Turduckden put out a new Group freebie called Ellie in red. Adorble as ever. It great for summer, it comes with everything showned beside the hair and stuff. fits all tiny tots and kids to.. :) so come down and get it adorble outfit before it get changed over to something eles.

Have a great Monday! 

Shape:Turducken shape: Joy (moded) 
Skin:2~Mynerva~Little Milena Bisque/Lash
Hair:/Wasabi Pills/ Shiki Mesh Hair - Black coffee
Eyes:-Belleza- Eyes Mystic
Tattoo Layer:the kid company. lashes. natural.
Tiny Tot:*Oh Daisies* Growing Toddler HUD 2.8 (size 10)

Turducken - Ellie Outfit - Red - Group Gift (box) (must join the group to get this outfit)

Pose:GLITTERATI -Model Pose-329


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