Sunday, May 27, 2012

Kaysha's World: Squeels- Excited to Horse Break Training

Kaysha's World
Squeels- Excited to Horse Break Training
May 27th 2012, 10:19

Hi Bloggers,
Well I am super excited to say that tomorrow Sunday the 27th of May, I am going be learning how to Horse break a horse, Meaning I gonna learn how to ride a horse and all that good stuff, I havent told you guys but I found a family last week Monday at MAW while I was up for adoption, I Met a family that is Highly into horses, They have a Stable Place Called Everest Crest, They are highly into roleplay with Water Hores Avatars, Thats mean that there Mods of all kind of horses, and People all over the world play these horse avies, I am so excited I gonna explode.. Anyways There a wild horse we gonna tame and break so My sissy and I can ride her.. So mommy she gonna train us tomorrow. So while mommy and daddy went to bed I decided to get ready for tomorrow.. So i found this lovely dress made Bit McMillan. Just prefect for the training tomorrow. She made them in three sizes, and different colors, I decided i wanted to go pink. I am wearing the outfit for the Yabu Mesh Avie! It the newest thing around. 

Anyways Off to show off my new dress and wait for tomorrow. Happy Reading everyone! 

xox Kaysha

Body Parts:
Shape: *Oh Daisies* Yabu Shape 0.92 Meters / 3.02 Feet
Skin:*Oh Daisies* Yabu Skin Rissie Skin (Out for Yabuloon Weekend sale 65L)
Eyes:Amacci Real Eyes ~ Golden Green Big
Hair:>TRUTH< Heidi - chocolate (resize to fit my Yabu Avie)
Avatar:< Yabusaka > Baby mesh avatar 

Outfit:**Cute Bytes** Country Dress - Pink (BabyMesh) 
Pose:Glitterati Kids- Single 8


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