Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kaysha's World: Happy Tuesday

Kaysha's World

Happy Tuesday
May 29th 2012, 09:36
Happy Tuesday Everyone.
Gosh Months are lying like crazy. Anyways I went searching on marketplace to find something to wear and i found and outfit but i didnt revice it yet so i went looking for another outfit and i found this lovely summer outfit at baby princess. I love this outfit and of course i picked it in purple. *me laughs* Anyhow I hope everyone has a great Tuesday, Check back I have a suprise blog ill be posting really soon..

Body parts:
Shape:*Oh Daisies* Yabu Shape 0.92 Meters / 3.02 Feet
Skin:*oh Daisies* Rissie Skin (YabuLoonies) Special
Eyes:-Belleza- Eyes Mystic
Hair:= Hal*Hina = [brown] Hair -meirin- /size S
Lashes:the kid company. tattoo lashes. natural.
Avatar:< Yabusaka > Baby mesh avatar

Outfit: :*BABY*: FlowerTime {Yabu} Purple :*PRINCESS*:'
Pose:NYG-Pose three- Label Motion

Xox Kaysha

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