Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lets Play Dress Up!: Pretty Kitty

Lets Play Dress Up!
Pretty Kitty
Aug 28th 2014, 02:36

I love this look. It has kinda a vintage feel which goes perfect with this vanity set from Wimey. The shirt from Turducken has cute little kitties on it so of course I had to bring my cute cuddly kitty cat by Little Closet around with me. You can find him at Woodlands Gacha in many different colors! Speaking of colors all this make up behind me is too tempting. Time to get all pretty like my momma! Hopefully I will have another outfit or two to share with you in the next couple days. Please bear with me I haven't been posting as much as I would like do to rl stuff but I am as much as I can! Much Love to you all :)

~On Me~
Hair: [taketomi]_Yanny_DBrown06
Shirt: Turducken ToddleeDoo - Pattern CropTop - Cats
Pants: Turducken ToddleeDoo - Jeans - Lights - Pink {Hud}
Kitty: Little Closet - Cuddle Cat - Cream @ Woodland Gacha

Wimey: Shabby Chickie Vanity Set for The Challenge

Ps. The mirror on the ground is actually the Turducken packaging.. you hold it in ur hand but I used it as decor! How Cute!

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